
Time is the key factor to success. Short designing/ production cycle means better chance of winning the market. 
Thus GPower provides various type of rubber/silicon manufacturing process, in which the customer can enjoy the one step shopping easily and smoothly. 
From the traditional compression machines to the latest rubber/silicon injection machine and even to the high precision silicon injection machine, GPower can support customers with flexibility and better production quality.

鈞寶工業在橡膠矽膠生產設備上除了傳統橡膠矽膠熱壓機台, 更有大噸數橡膠矽膠熱壓機台, 精密矽膠射出機以及橡膠射出機台等等.。
各類型橡膠矽膠生產機台, 鈞寶工業一應具全, 絕對能滿足客戶對多樣化產品設計所需的工藝需求。

350 噸 熱壓機台

300 噸 橡膠射出機台

300 噸 高精度矽膠射出機台
